Pause with the Planet: Nourish Your Earth Relationship
March 17, 2024 @ 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Sunday, March 17; 1-4 PM; $30
What does it mean to be in relationship with the earth and how does that show up for you? How often do you get a chance to talk with the earth or devote time to nurture the bond you have with this beautiful planet? Much of our life is ‘busy,’ and while that can be fulfilling, research shows we could all use more ‘Vitamin-N (nature),’ these simpler, deeper connections to welcome in the peace and joy of the earth, our true nature.
Join Tara Muenz, earth relationship facilitator, on a journey communing and communicating, resting, and pausing. Through writing and meditation, hands-on activities, walks and breathwork, she will assist you in feeling alive and well, in deeper reverence for all life here, including yourself.
In this workshop you will learn and experience:
the importance of true presence with nature and how simple and easy this connection can be
opening your heart further to the Earth’s love and the freedom and acceptance that comes in doing so
a gratitude and appreciation practice for all beings (animate and inanimate)
writing a love letter to the earth
techniques to transform environmental grief, anger, overwhelm, and depression
the 3As (Awareness, Appreciation and Action) approach to living in greater harmony with humanity
energy boosting and clearing techniques through breathwork and the ancient practice of QiGong
earth communication techniques
feel replenished and stronger in your foundation, your core of you!
walk away with clear steps on continuing the seeds you planted in this workshop
connect with a nature ally
Bring a journal, water bottle, and dress in comfortable layers. More information will be sent prior to the workshop. Pending weather, we will be outdoors as much as possible. Questions or want to register? Email Tara at
Location: Pocono Environmental Education Center. This is a pre-workshop of the Pennsylvania Association for Environmental Educators Annual Conference